Workplan for 2021-2022
- Monitor faculty welfare (indemnity, pension, overload pay)
- Follow up on faculty benefits (schooling and insurance)
- Identify healthcare services needed for the faculty to ensure a smooth switch to the preferred insurance plan (LAU/LAUMCRH/LAUMCSJ interface)
- Ask for additional end of service support for non-professorial rank full time faculty members
- Uncouple access to the pension plan from tenure for professorial rank full time faculty members.
- Revisit the retirement age for full time faculty members
- Other revisions of the personnel policy (paternity and maternity leaves)
- HR study of faculty salaries (potential underpaid lines/ranks and disciplines)
- Examine practices of academic freedom in teaching for Full-time faculty members
- Discuss the mid-term review procedure (input of the concerned faculty member)
- In light of the economic crisis, align research KPIs for promotion and PTR with available resources in basic sciences and biomedical sciences (DNS/SAS, SOP and SOM) and other affected research disciplines
- Research support (course releases for faculty heavily involved in research, Revisit university service procedures/red tapes and bureaucracies related to research
- Revisit the procedure for payment of funds or honoraria for faculty from their external grants
- Evaluate university services- a yearly practice
- Work on the updated procedure for faculty awards
- Follow up on the shared governance committee
- Revisit mandates and compositions of university councils (identify potential redundancies)
- Revise/update senate bylaws and constitution