Faculty Senate



1 year seats

[Placeholder] Giselle Pempedjian
Beirut - Campus

[Placeholder] Hossein Eslami
Beirut - AKSOB/MKT

Joseph T. Khalife Joseph T. Khalife
Byblos - Campus

[Placeholder] Mira Abi Saad-Youssef
Byblos - Campus

Myriame Malhame Myriame Malhame
Byblos - SoAS/SS

[Placeholder] Paula Abboud Habre
Beirut - SoAS

[Placeholder] Randa Abdel Baki
Beirut - SArD/ArtD

2 year seats

[Placeholder] Gretchen King
Beirut - SoAS

Jean Chatila Jean Chatila
Byblos - SE/CIE

[Placeholder] Joseph Kiprianos
Byblos - SArD/ArcD

[Placeholder] Karma Dabaghi
Byblos - SArD

May Hamdan May Hamdan
Beirut - SoAS/CSM

[Placeholder] Nissrine El Hassan
Byblos - SOE

Sleiman el Hajj Sleiman el Hajj
Beirut - SoAS/CAL

3 year seats

Abdulnasser Kassar Abdulnasser Kassar

Abeer Hani Abeer Hani
Byblos - SOM

[Placeholder] Amne El Cheikh
Byblos - SOE/IME

[Placeholder] Christian Khalil
Byblos - SoAS

[Placeholder] Eileen-Marie Hanna
Byblos - SoAS

Hanine Mansour Hanine Mansour
Byblos - SOP/PP

[Placeholder] Hussein Zeaiter
Beirut - AKSOB

[Placeholder] Joe Tekli
Byblos - SOE/ECE

[Placeholder] Joelle Nader
Byblos - AKSOB

Lama Mattar Lama Mattar
Beirut - SoAS

[Placeholder] Maha Habre
Byblos - SON

[Placeholder] Michel Francis
Byblos - SArD

Mustafa Dah Mustafa Dah

[Placeholder] Nuwar Diab
Beirut - SoAS

[Placeholder] Ramzi Haraty
Beirut - SoAS/Eng

[Placeholder] Rania El Haddad
Beirut - AKSOB

Sami Baroudi Sami Baroudi
Beirut - SoAS/SS

Yolande Saab Yolande Saab
Byblos - SOP/PS


SoAS = School of Arts & Science
AKSOB = Adnan Kassar School of Business
SE = School of Engineering
SP = School of Pharmacy
SN = School of Nursing
SAD = School of Architecture & Design
SM = School of Medicine
CIE = Civil Engineering
ECE = Electrical & Computer Engineering
IME = Industrial & Mechanical Engineering
PP = Pharmacy Practice
PS = Pharmaceutical Sciences

Ed = Education
EN = English
CM = Computer & Math
NS = Natural Science
Hum = Humanities
CA = Communication Arts
SS = Social Sciences
ECON = Economics
MNGT = Management Studies
ITOM = IT & Operations Management
HMKT = Hospitality & Marketing
FINA = Finance & Accounting